Avoid looking at condominiums you really can't afford. There is no reason to set yourself up to fall in love with a place and then you can't get the money for it. You also have to be careful about getting financed but knowing you realistically can't stick with such a payment month after month. Don't put yourself in that type of position where foreclosure is possible.Finding a Lender
Take your time to find a lender with plenty of experience so you can get the The Hill at One North Condo with the best choice for your needs. Ask your friends, family, and people you work with who they have talked to. Chances are you know someone who has purchased a condo I in the last year. You can also evaluate lenders online and set up appointments to talk to them.Ask them questions about their experience because you want a lender that is easy to work with. They should be friendly and communicate well. They should return calls timely and answer ay questions you may have. They can walk you through the application process. Make sure you fill it out accurately and don't skip any of the sections. Talk to them if you aren't sure what to put.