08 Oct

Raw Flat Bread. It is true that a successful raw diet involves some planning ahead. Raw flat bread is one such recipe that requires some pre-planning but can then be used in a variety of ways. Not only is flat bread incredibly versatile in its use in the best raw food recipes, it is a great way to get some of the vital nutrients that come in raw or sprouted grains. Flat bread, once prepared and dehydrated, can be stored in your refrigerator and used as the base for numerous open-faced sandwiches, snack breads, or as a partner to soups or dips.

A quick solution to a busy schedule comes in the form of nut pates. They can be made quickly in a food processor or Vitamix blender and last three to four days in your refrigerator. They are perfect for quick snacks or as components in a variety of the best Oven food recipes.

Green drinks are essential to a raw food diet. They are nutrient-packed and have the most versatility of almost any recipe. Though there is great variety, all green drinks have a green base. (Spinach, Lettuce, Kale, etc.) Energizing vitamins and nutrients are packed inside of a green drink and one serving can provide your body with three or four servings of fruits and vegetables.

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